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Solution for playing locally on the Internet, analyzing and editing Go


Locally on the Internet to play "solution, analysis and editing" Go
dovnload.co.uk Editor: GoKnot a complete Windows Go solution. Go (Japanese) oriental game aka Wei Qi (China) and Badu (Korean is). GoKnot to play, both locally or on the Internet can be used. Also a tool for editing and analysis is one of the game.

GoKnot a game as a means of:

3.6 engine for playing included * GnuGo
* Analysis, best moves list, what if ..
* Hints during play
* This modular and open. Motor change

GoKnot as a game / problems edition tool:

SGF * Full support for standard 4.0
Conversion of older SGF versions *
* Edition of the symbol, description, etc.
* Game tree duty cycle: individual branches drop, merge, trim trees, etc.
* Game maps!
with customizable board and stone bitmaps * Realistic boards
Collections of multiple files * Splits game
For a copy of the test * Sketch gobans
* Complete editable timing game records
SGF standards as an IGS client

GoKnot an easy explanation: <br>

Display a playing tips
* You "may want to play what if" questions
* If your opponent as a sketch where the engine can try playing Gobain variations
Observation of multiple cards for multiple IGS games
* * This can observe simultaneously 24 games
full schedule and games record storage *
* This feature is often not found any other software

Other features include:

* Gobans may be filtered, Restored or resized with simple mouse clicks.
* To develop motor GoKnot GKE can be used as a debugger
* Board by the user and stone textures

installation and removal:

* Friendly and earlier versions can be created to install the update with support for removal
* Remove and completely restores: erases any files installed registry keys are created
* Program, ensure that its integrity can be 100% virus free download free GoKnot 2.0 now becomes verifies.

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